
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Saint Augustine of Hippo

Biography Aurelius Augustinus (referred to as St. Augustine of Hippo) was born in Tagaste (now Souk- Ahras), North Africa on November 13, 354. His family was non rich growing up entirely Augustine still receive a Christian education. Wild as a child he had a long-term relationship with a freedwo gentleman who bore him a son. When he was 19 he was introduced to philosophy at Carthage where he became a brilliant student who mastered Latin and knew Greek. He worked as a professor at Carthage for a while but sometimes the students didnt pay the professors after attending all the classes, so he got wet and traveled to Rome to seek a fortune.When he was in his mid-thirties he converted to Christianity and entered a monastery. He spent the rest of his bread and butter working on his philosophical paternitys. In 395 he was ordained Bishop of Hippo. He died of a fever on August 28, 430 during the third month of the besieging of Hippo by the barbarians. Philosophy on Law St. Augustine entrustd and wrote extensively more or less infixed virtue. He defines subjective truth as an instilled fair play write on the human heart or conscience. Augustine believed natural law was one of the tracks God governs humans. His nonions of natural law lead him to a discussion about tho and unjust laws.He believed just laws were derived from natural law. to boot he believed, those laws not following natural law, were unjust and is no law at all Strengths and Weaknesses There be a few weaknesses when it comes to Augustines belief on natural law. Natural law is grounded in faith and in todays world people want a different profound system betwixt the church and state. This gains them tend to avoid the reference to natural law. Another weakness is Augustines believed that some laws were write on peoples hearts. This leads to the question, why is there bad people?Not to say all of natural law is a weakness because it does sop up some strengths. star strength, to natural law is despite all the different religions and geographys most societies have a common set of principals that lands credibility to the hypothesis of natural law. Another strength is the argument of natural law allows for interval between church and state in laws of punishments. St. Augustine would definitely support civilised disobedience. He believed if a law was unjust than it was no law at all. He thought that there were laws scripted on your heart and if a law wasnt written on your heart than it was an unjust law.Therefore he didnt consider it a law. Below is a short telecasting of Martin Luther King saying his famous speech Letter from a Birmingham detain. St. Augustine is known for his creation of natural law. Augustine discovered that God creates at to the lowest degree some moral aspects. St. Augustine, along with St. Paul, and St. Thomas Aquinas founded the notion of an instilled law written on the human heart or conscience. It was created through the deducti ve reasoning of notions such as natural justice and the biblical belief in a greater universe and lawgiver that we regard of as being natural law.Augustines most famous quote is similarly has the sterling(prenominal) impact on natural law. His quote was an unjust law is no law at all. He means that justice is the bushel purpose of law and if the law isnt fair, than it is not serving justice. Augustine on relieve Choice of the Will Now either punishment is a punishment for sin, if it is just, and is called a penalty but if the punishment is unjust, since none doubts it is a punishment, it is imposed on man by an unjust ruler. This piece of writing by Augustine talks about just and unjust laws and the reason for punishments.It reinforces his baffle that an unjust law is no law at all. The Problem of Free Choice Book One. Will not any intelligent man regard that law as unchangeable and eternal, which is termed the law of reason? We mustiness always obey it it is the law throu gh which wicked men be an unhappy, and mature men a happy life, and through which the law we have said should be called temporal is rightly decreed and rightly changed. give the bounce it even be unjust that the wicked should be unhappy and the trade good happy, or that a well-disciplined people should be self-governing, while an ill-disciplined people should be deprived of this privilege.I see that this law is eternal and unchangeable. I think you also see that men derive all that is just and lawful in temporal law from eternal law. For if a nation is justly not self-governing at one time, and justify not self-governing at another time, the justice of this temporal change is derived from that eternal principle by which it is always right for a disciplined people to be self-governing, but not a people that is undisciplined. This part of Augustines writing backs up his theory of natural law. He is attempting to reconcile the relationship between natural law and mans free will.He believes that natural law is a part of every human being and freewill is the ability of man to choose between what is the right thing and what is wrong. All of Augustines writing and books were originally written in Latin and have been translated into several different languages over the years. rough of his writing was religious in spirit and his views on laws were derived from his desire to look gods relationship with society. Two Questions 1) How is the concept of natural law relevant in todays society and courts? ) What do you think some of the natural laws are? Examples of natural law human rights, etc. Natural law is the theory or belief that certain rights follow independently of any governments granting of those rights. Generally, whenever a group rebels against their government and asserts rights that the government hasnt disposed(p) them, they are making a claim of natural law. Many children, for example, entreaty to a sense of fairness in disputes, and most people ar ound the world agree that murder is a severeinfractionof natural law.For example, the declaration of independence was an assertion of natural law the right to be free, the right not to be taxed without representation, etc. , if you believe you are authorise to these rights just by virtue of the fact that you are alive/human, you believe in natural law. It can also work the other way certain actions are criminal just by virtue of the acts themselves, such as murder (malum per se). Positive law, on the other hand, is the theory or belief that all law comes from the government/lawmakers (Malum prohibitum).Basically, you have no rights that are not granted to you from the government, and no action is inherently right or wrong under the law unless there is legislature or court-created law that says so. Basically, murder isnt illegal because its evil or bad, its illegal because theres a written law in the books that says so. Natural law and natural rights follow from the nature of man a nd the world. We have the right to defend ourselves and our property, because of the kind of animals that we are.True law derives from this right, not from the arbitrary power of the omnipotent state. Natural law has objective, external existence. It follows from the ESS (evolutionary fixed strategy) for the use of force that is natural for humans and similar animals. The ability to make moral judgments, the capacity to know good and evil, has immediate evolutionary benefits just as the capacity to perceive three dimensionally tells me when I am rest on the edge of a cliff, so the capacity to know good and evil tells me if my companions are liable to cut my throat.It evolved in the aforementioned(prenominal) way, for the same straightforward and uncomplicated reasons, as our ability to throw rocks accurately. Read morehttp//wiki. answers. com/Q/What_are_examples_of_a_natural_lawixzz27LOHpIBl http//plato. stanford. edu/entries/augustine/ http//americanenglishdoctor. com/wordpress/ literacy/basic-literacy/general-knowledge-2/basic-literature/letter-from-birmingham-jail/1758

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