
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Odyssey Essays (1705 words) - Odyssey, Greek Mythology, Epic Cycle

Odyssey In book 23 of the Odyssey, reoccurring Homeric themes appear, character's roles change, and a homecoming for an epic hero is finally accomplished. Book 23 may be the one book in this poem that can be related the closest to the poem as a whole. In this book, we see the relationship of a god/goddess and a human being as a reoccurring theme throughout Homers works. This god/human relationship is shown throughout the poem mainly through the actions of Athene, who is trying to assure that Odysseus receives the glorious homecoming that he deserves. Book 23 concludes Odysseus's twenty-year homecoming journey by uniting him with his beloved wife, Penelope. The homecoming that is looked forward to by so many throughout the poem is finalized by the romantic reunion of Odysseus and Penelope This reunion shows a cunning side of Penelope that is almost the same as her husband, Odysseus, shows numerous times throughout the epic. This cunningness by Penelope exhibits a different example of the role of women in the time of the Odyssey. The relationships between humans and gods are looked at numerous times in both the Iliad and the Odyssey. Gods in these poems hurt some humans and help others. The relationship with Odysseus and certain gods is what shapes this epic into what it is. The reason that Odysseus is so misfortunate on his way home is because he angered Poseidon, the god of the sea. Also, the reason that Odysseus eventually received his homecoming is because of the admiration and love of the goddess, Athene. The relationship between Athene and Odysseus is shown in book 23 The goddess, Athene, and Odysseus are two characters that are very similar to one another in their personalities. Both Athene and Odysseus use their intelligence to trick others in thinking that they are somebody else. Odysseus' quick wit seems to be what Athene appreciates most about him. Her appreciation is seen in line 287 of book 8 when she ?smiled on him, and stroked him with her hand? after he made up that long, detailed story to try and trick her. This shows her appreciation for his great ability to deceive. She enjoys how he uses his resourcefulness in making up this story. Athene, once again, helps out Odysseus and Penelope in book 23 when she lengthens the nighttime, because both Penelope and Odysseus are similar in that they are quick-witted and cunning. Athene's help is described by the quote: Now Dawn of the rosy fingers would have dawned on their weeping, had not the gray-eyed goddess Athene planned it otherwise. She held the long night back at the outward edge, she detained Dawn of the golden throne by the Ocean, and would not let her harness her fast-footed horses who bring the daylight to people? (XXIII.241-246). Athene does things to help Odysseus, because she wants him to fulfill his goal and receive his homecoming. Athene has so much respect for Odysseus that she wants to do anything to help him get to his homeland and regain his kingdom and household from the wrath of the suitors. Athene helps Odysseus and his family a number of times throughout the epic in order to do so. Athene even helps Odysseus' son, Telemachos, in the journey that he has in the first four books of the epic. This journey prepares Telemachos for the battle with the suitors. Athene and Odysseus both greatly appreciate one another. Odysseus appreciates Athene for all the help that she gives to him. Athene appreciates Odysseus for his resourcefulness and for being ?far the best of all mortal men for counsel and stories? (VIII.297-298). This shows that Athene likes that Odysseus is a great leader as well as a great deceiver. Many times within the Odyssey, Odysseus either physically disguises himself or tells artful lies i n order to hide his true identity. For example, he does this with Polephemos the Cyclops, with the suitors, and even with his own wife. This is done in order to obtain the righteous homecoming in which he has been striving for. He tricks the Cyclops in order to escape death, and he disguises himself in the presence of the suitors to assure that he is

Sunday, November 24, 2019

I believe we each perceive things differently

I believe we each perceive things differently, and the combination of all our perceptions creates how we view the world, creates our reality. Im not going to pretend to know what reality is, but I know what I think it is, and what I think it should be. Reality should be what each and every one of us wants it to be. There should be no duplicate realities, just like there are no two snowflakes the same. What my reality is should never be the same as what your reality is. For each person has different, albeit special, beliefs. And these beliefs should be what, over the years, shape our reality to what it is. Not what somebody else says is going on, not what everyone else is doing, but what our heart says is real. It should not make a difference in my reality that some guy is running down the street naked. For that one man running down the street will never be able to do anything good for me, or bad against me. Even if a car hits that man my life should not change in anyway. What is in my heart is there, has always been there, and will always be there to hold my reality steadfast. Now I know we have all heard this in advice about the opposite sex over and over again, but for each and every one of us to live our true reality we have to be who we are and act like ourselves every minute of everyday. For to each and every one of us we are what is real and everyone else around us is fake. For us not to do something that we want or for us not to say something that we want to say is taking away from our reality. Every time we take away from our reality we take part of our special little contribution to this world away. Each one of us expects people to be real to them so why should we lie to others and not be real to them and ourselves. I see reality in this light because; I find it hard to believe that I have the same reality as the serial killer down the street. When he goes on television and says he killed all of those people bec...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analysis impact of firm-specific information on a company's stock Essay

Analysis impact of firm-specific information on a company's stock returns - Essay Example Accordingly, a brief literature review will be shown which helps to underscore and elaborate upon many of the specific theoretical interpretations of the methods utilized within this report. Additionally, a demonstration of development of event study is included and defined. Furthermore, the third part of the piece will include a methodology review. The explanations of approaches which have been utilized to conduct this report will be given as well as some assumptions and critical common factors that are associated with this methodology. Likewise, a research design and results section will comprise the fourth part of this analysis. Ultimately, the issues which will be explored will be analyzed based upon an event study method. This part will begin with defining the date of events and then choose the estimated period and test period. Following this, marker models will be chosen as the benchmark for abnormal returns. Similarly, a linear regression for the market will be chosen. At this time, ordinary least square assumptions will be necessary to estimate the stability. Based on the results of linear regression, the abnormal return will be calculated. Next, the Cumulative abnormal return, or CAR will be utilized as a means of indicating the effect of events. A T-tests by CAR will be presented to show the significant of these events. A final part will necessarily be the conclusion of this report. It will show the basic information of this report and summarize it according to the inference which has been drawn. Background information InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) is global hotel group which operate nine hotel brands (which in turn comprise a total of 4,600 hotels in more than 100 countries and regions, more than 676,000Â  rooms). IHG was established in 1946 and is the world's largest and most widely distributed network of professionally managed hotels. IHG operates in three different ways. First, IHG operates as a franchisor, second as a management accessory, and thirdly it operates as a rental basis. In addition, the franchise has been recognized as an effective business philosophy by many leaders within the industry. This report chose four specific events to explore the relationship with the IHG stock price volatility for a period time. These four events are shown below: (1) 18th April 2012: IHG shows its support for small business owners, entrepreneurs and Road Warriors. (2) 7th August 2012: IHG reported interim results from the 30th June 2012 and announced $1bn return of capital. (3) 8th October 2012: IHG reported the results of general meeting about Special Dividend and Share Consolidation. (4) 12th November 2012: IHG announces new Vice President of Development in Europe. Literature review Efficient Markets Hypothesis(EMH) The Efficient Markets Hypothesis(EMH)arose in 1970 by Eugene Fama. "Efficient market hypothesis" was developed by Louis Bachelier (1900) who was from the perspective of the stochastic process. Bachelier studied t he movement of Brownian motion, stock price changes, and recognized that the effectiveness of the market information, present events, and even the discounted value of the future events, are reflected in market prices. The efficient market theory is that the market price already contains all the available information. Based on the past information and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 28

Discussion Questions - Essay Example A longer productive business life means a steady profitability for longer and for all these to be achieved, effective marketing of the company’s products and services must be carried out. Marketing is done mostly through advertisements and promotions. These two services are important to any established business venture. For these two to succeed, they have to be supported by a brand position statement that embodies a factor of production that the firm takes pride in. For instance, these may include high quality products, low prices, convenience among other attributes. When choosing a brand positioning tool, care must be taken so that it gets straight into the minds of the target audience. Taking pride in quality means that prices should not matter to the customers; no matter how high the goods and services are priced, they will still access the market. Trying to convince a customer that a product is of a high quality and low price is never achievable. A marketer must thus stay open minded and be keen enough to grab an opportunity where others opt not to see any. The essence of setting up any business is to benefit from accrued profits. The strategy for attaining success differs from one business to another. Some concentrate on quality while others concentrate on sales brought in from the products offered. When expanding one’s customer base, it is very likely for the business to engage in activities that will lower earnings but in the long run, the business stays viable for longer and promises and steady flow of income from the increased customer size (Kotler 78). While the manager who is interested in profits will be exploiting a limited customer base, the other who believes in expansion will seek to get more. Some of the methods of doing this include price reductions and the provisions of other incentives. Chances are high that these incentives will attract customers from the other business. After a short period of time, as the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Australian Feminist Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Australian Feminist Movement - Essay Example These works denounced marriage as slavery for women. Feminism started in America as a revolution. The Seneca Falls convention held in 1848 is considered a milestone in the history of the Feminist Movement. It put forth the demand for women's rights which included right for equal pay, right for property, right for divorcing the husband, right for taking guardianship of the children etc. the most important in this agenda was womens' right to vote. This was a declaration of demanding equality without sexual discrimination. Their voice slowly started getting people's attention. When the 19th amendment was made in the American Constitution to give women the right to vote, it looked like they had finally won the battle. On 14th December, 1961, the President's Commision was set up by the then President John F. Kennedy to review the status of women. Its purpose was to review the status of women and remove the obstacles that prevented women from enjoying equal status in the society. This Commission was aimed to combat the customs, notions and other factors prevalent in the society that were hindrance for the women. So the movement that was building up quietly in the 50's, gained momentum and became more visible and more audible. The 60's were the era of demonstrations, marches and processions. This time it saw the participation of school and college girls as well. Status in Australia Feminism has its presence in Australia also. Although Australia has always been conceived as a true democratic state with total egalitarian attitude.(Summers, Anne, 1994, Dmaned whores and God's Police, p.103) But the feminist movement in Australia has been raising the issue to provide the Australian women equal access to power. This movement started in the nineteenth century and its prime focus was to get the women their right to vote and also an equal opportunity to participate in the political activities and help them come to power. ( Oldfield, A., Woman Suffrage in Australia: A gift or a Struggle. 1992) Australian women got their right to vote much after the American women. In fact their neighboring country New Zealand got their right to vote before them. This gave them the status of citizens finally.(Summers, Anne 1994, Ibid, p.405) But even then the Aboriginal women were not given the same status. It was only in 1967 that they also got the right to vote.(Brenner,J.1996, p.20) 1960 was the beginning of the second wave of Australian Feminist movement. This was focused on the legal and social equality. Although women had got their right to vote but practically they were still considered the "second sex". They faced discrimination at the workplace and often got exploited. At home also they did not have equal status as men. They had no control over their sexual and reproductive lives. This second wave had some achievements as they succeeded in getting equal wages for the women. They also got the discrimination based on marital status eliminated from the work place. Simultaneously there was another movement coming up which was for the rights of the marginalized groups. This movement wanted equality for people regardless of their country of origin or their color or race or their sexual preferences like being gay or lesbian. The feminists got a ground as patriarchy, against which they were

Friday, November 15, 2019

French Essays La colonisation en Algerie

French Essays La colonisation en Algerie La colonisation en Algà ©rie. Mission civilisatriceou mission exploitative? I. Introduction- Les deux cotà ©s de largument La Franceà ©taient-elle en Algà ©rie pour apporter la chrà ©tientà © et la prospà ©rità © a cetteparcelle du continent africain, ou bien simplement pour exploiter desressources dun pays sans dà ©fense? Ceci est en effet la question. Nous sommeschargà ©s danalyser si cette colonisation, bien quelle fut forcà ©e, avait un butcivilisateur ou destructeur. Cest une question dà ©licate que nous allons tenterde rà ©soudre laide de faits historiques, opinions dhistoriens et dephilosophes, ainsi qua laide du point de vu de recul que nous avons obtenu auvingt et unià ¨me sià ¨cle. II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bref historique Il est important,tout dabord, de se remà ©morer certains faits historiques. La conquà ªte delAlgà ©rie dà ©buta en 1830 par le roi Charles X pour raisons de piraterie. Cenà ©tait pas une invasion objective et sans provocation comme celle, parexemple, des Amà ©riques par les Espagnols et de lInde par les Anglais. Apres lapremià ¨re expà ©dition punitive qui ne fut chargà © que de se saisir les zonescà ´tià ¨res, la France se rendit vite conte des ressources prà ©cieuses quoffraitce nouveau territoire et la situation fut irrà ©mà ©diablement changà ©e. Apres prà ¨sde quarante ans de batailles, les diffà ©rents gouvernements locaux du territoirealgà ©rien se montrà ¨rent favorables a une assimilation partielle. Cest alors quecommena la colonisation de lAlgà ©rie par la France, un expansionnisme qui nesacheva quen juillet 1962. Ce fut une occupation mouvementà ©e, secouà ©e pardeux guerres mondiales et une guerre civile entre les colonisateurs et leurscolonisà ©s. Un pays maintenant autonome et modern, lAlgà ©rie fut nà ©anmoins unpays contrà ´là © par de nombreux mouvements terroristes, surtout dans les annà ©escinquante, qui se dissolurent rà ©cemment aprà ¨s de longs pourparlers. Nous avonsdonc un pays moderne mais avec une histoire complexe, un exempleparticulià ¨rement intà ©ressant de colonisation ambiguÃÆ' « par un pouvoir europà ©en. III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Une mission civilisatrice Tous pays colonisateurs a travers les sià ¨cles occupà ¨rentdes pays à ©trangers en professant un but trà ¨s clair; apporter la civilisation aubarbares. Mà ªme si de, nos jours, nous pouvons analyser les intentions derrià ¨reces excuses, les progrà ¨s en mesure dà ©ducation, dorganisation gouvernementaleet de dà ©veloppements à ©conomiques et culturels sont indà ©niables. Quelques lignesdans les carnets personnels de Victor Hugo lui-mà ªme, sous la monarchie dejuillet, le font apparaà ®tre comme ferme partisan de la colonisation  ; ,Lacolonisation militaire doit couvrir et envelopper la colonisation civile commela muraille couvre et enveloppe la cità ©. La colonisation militaire, cest unemuraille vivante. Quel meilleur obstacle continu quun camp franais? Mettez lesoldat en avant du colon comme vous mettez un fer au bout dune lance . Considà ©rons donc tout dabord les effets positifs de lacolonisation franaise en Algà ©rie, les aspects civilisateurs de cette missionqui permirent un pays aussi grand de se dà ©velopper et de devenir un pouvoirà ©mancipà © et moderne dans le contexte politique actuel. Premià ¨rement, la Francedivisa lAlgà ©rie en provinces et en communes, instaurant la structure à ©laborà ©epour la France par Napolà ©on, organisant le pays pour une meilleure rà ©gence.Ceci unifia en un à ©norme territoire un pays qui, jusqualors, ne fut quuneagglomà ©ration confuse de tribus qui ne communiquaient pas entre elles, quinavaient pas didentità © nationale. Un dà ©veloppement à ©conomique accà ©là ©rà © fut à ©galement unaspect de la colonisation qui profite lAlgà ©rie moderne. Loccupation franaisepermis de fortifier le pays à ©conomiquement en à ©duquant, comme le systà ¨medà ©ducation franais  lavait fait en Tunisie et au Maroc, une partie de lapopulation pour des formations dà ©ducateurs et dingà ©nieurs. Cette classeà ©duquà ©e pu, aprà ¨s lindà ©pendance, continuer lextension à ©conomique de leurpays. Le pays pris connaissance de ses ressources naturelles et desdispositions furent prises pour les exploiter. La langue officielle à ©tait lArabe mais la languediplomatique vite devint le Franais. La loi du 26 avril 1968 aprà ¨slindà ©pendance rendue la connaissance de lArabe obligatoire pour lesfonctionnaires. Daprà ¨s le Cite du Continent Africain, aujourdhui, la majorità ©des Algà ©riens sont arabophones dans une proportion de 72%, mais cette pà ©riodedoccupation permis bel et bien au peuple algà ©rien de devenir bilingue. De pairavec linsertion de la langue franaise, la colonisation de LAfrique du Nordpar la France permis le dà ©veloppement dune culture franco-algà ©rienne unique.Là ©ducation francophone eue un autre aspect positif dans le dà ©veloppement de laconscience algà ©rienne vis a vis du reste du monde les notions de peuple,didentità © et de nationalisme qui, ultimement, servirent la libà ©ration delAlgà ©rie, furent inculquà ©es aux enfants algà ©riens qui devirent la gà ©nà ©rationindà ©pendantiste. IV. Une mission exploitative Nous allons maintenant examiner les aspects exploitatifs dela colonisation algà ©rienne par la France, car mà ªme aprà ¨s lexposition desaspects civilisateurs de cet impà ©rialisme, il est impossible dignorer lesprofonds changements nà ©gatifs quapportà ¨rent la conquà ªte franaise nonseulement à ©conomiquement, mais à ©galement concernant le mode de vie algà ©rien. Comme lexplique tout dabord Mohammed Harbi danslinterview   LAlgà ©rie malade de son passà ©?  , non seulement lespetites tribus rurales algà ©riennes on perdu leur richesse culturelle pour causede la colonisation franaise, mais la reconstruction du pays fut rà ©servà ©e a uneà ©lite culturelle blanche  ;   Les relations tribales ont à ©tà © brisà ©es,les ruraux ont perdu leur identità © et leur richesse. Par ailleurs, a ladiffà ©rence de ce qui sest passà © en Tunisie et au Maroc, la France limitalà ©mergence de cadres pouvant reprà ©senter là ©gitimement  la socià ©tà ©.   Nous voyons ainsile dà ©veloppement inexorable dà ¨s 1830 de la pauvretà © des indigà ¨nescomparà ©e la prospà ©rità © presque illimità ©e des colonisateurs. Mà ªme aprà ¨slindà ©pendance en 1962, cest une à ©lite algà ©rienne, exclusivement citadine,à ©duquà ©e le plus souvent a Paris qui, une fois de plus, dirigea le pays audà ©triment des minorità ©s ethniques du s ud du pays. Similairement, pendant queles franais et autres europà ©ens   occupaient les villes et les meilleuresterres, disposaient dà ©coles, de routes et de services publics efficaces,lAlgà ©rie musulmane habitait les bidonvilles   et devaient se satisfairedes moins bonnes terres ainsi que de pires emplois au service de leurscolonisateurs. Nous savons ceci daprà ¨s les faits historiques, mais il estaussi vrais que certains colons traità ¨rent leurs ouvriers algà ©riens dignementet avec respects. Ces franais qui virent dinstaller en Algà ©rie avec leurfamille et refusà ¨rent de quitter leurs terres avant et mà ªme aprà ¨s la guerrecivile furent souvent rituellement massacres. De plus, la situation politique est restà ©e trà ¨s tendue etviolente aprà ¨s lindà ©pendance. Les historiens et philosophes actuels, commeGeorges Hardy dans son livre Histoire Sociale de la colonisation franaise,ne cessent de se demander si lAlgà ©rie a tellement lhabitude de se battrecontre des forces doccupations quelle ne sait pas sarrà ªter. La colonisationa t-elle laissà © derrià ¨re elle un là ¨gue de violence? Les partis nationalistes duFLN (Front de Libà ©ration Nationale) et de lUDMA (Union Dà ©mocratique duManifeste Algà ©rien) furent trà ¨s actifs entre 1954 et 1999, dà ©chirant le paysavec de conflits politiques dans lesquelles les France ne pouvait là ©gitimementprendre parti ou se mà ªler. La France imposa en 1887 a LAlgà ©rie, ainsi qua toutes sescolonies, le Code de lIndigà ©nat. Daprà ¨s Fà ©licien Callaye dans Le livrenoir du colonialisme, le code dà ©pouillait les colonisà ©s franais de leurslibertà ©s, linterdiction de circuler la nuit par exemple. Ce code distinguaitaussi deux catà ©gories de citoyens; ceux de souche et les sujets. De mà ªme,nous avons en effet dà ©j commentà © sur le fait que la langue franaise devint lalangue officielle, poussant ainsi tout algà ©rien a devenir bilingue, mains nousnavons pas encore observà © que cette langue devint quasi-exclusive danslAdministration, lenseignement ainsi que laffichage. Une loi franaise en1938 dà ©clara mà ªme lArabe comme à ©tant une langue à ©trangà ¨re en Algà ©rie. Ceci estun exemple classique dimposition de culture. Le dernier cas dexploitation, et peu à ªtre le plus connucar il est le plus rà ©cent, fut le recrutement dindigà ¨nes en masse pendant lesPremià ¨re de Deuxià ¨me Guerres Mondiales.   Lors de la Premià ¨re Guerremondiale, le recrutement indigà ¨ne fournit 173 000 militaires Au mà ªme moment,quelque 119 000   travailleurs   Algà ©riens vinrent travailler enmà ©tropole  .Pour la seconde guerre mondiale, plus de douze mille soldats algà ©riens durenttuer pour la France. Ce pays fut appelà © soutenir un combat qui nà ©tait pasmoralement le sien. Il est incroyable que, aprà ¨s tout cela, le General deGaulle du se battre pour faire comprendre aux dirigeants et au peuple franaisque lAlgà ©rie mà ©ritait son indà ©pendance. Les bà ©nà ©fices de la colonisation pour la France jusqulindà ©pendance furent à ©normes. LAlgà ©rie disposait et dispose dailleurstoujours de ressources naturelles exceptionnelles: elle est au cinquià ¨me rangdes rà ©serves mondiales de gaz naturel et possà ¨de à ©galement des grandes rà ©servesde pà ©trole. Le dà ©veloppement industriel du pays facilita lextraction de cesressources, ainsi que la facilite dobtenir de la main d-uvre payà ©e dessalaires exploitants. Daprà ¨s Gille Manceron dans sont livre Marianne et lesColonies, mà ªme les intellectuels et politiciens franais se montrà ¨rentcomplices en gardant le silence  ;   Sous la monarchie de Juillet, lesdà ©nonciations de la conquà ªte de LAlgà ©rie apparaissent assez isolà ©es. On trouveparfois une certaine rà ©probation de la violence coloniale chez les responsablesde lopposition dà ©mocrate, mais la plupart dentre eux se rallient tacitementou explicitement au projet colonial.   V. Conclusion: une mission largement exploitative Nous savons maintenant toute là ©tendue des barbarismesopà ©rà ©s pendant la guerre dAlgà ©rie par les soldats franais qui, en grandepartie, avaient reu des ordres directs de leurs gà ©nà ©raux. Les documentssecrets retenus pas la Dà ©fense Nationale viennent rà ©cemment dà ªtre renduspubliques aprà ¨s leurs cinquante ans mandataires. La prolifà ©ration de la torturede 1954 a 1962 reprà ©sente pour beaucoup lultime recours de la France pourexploiter, une dernià ¨re fois, les ressources algà ©riennes. Ceci à ©choua. Maispour beaucoup cette exploitation nest pas finie. Le gouvernement actuel dirigà ©par Abdelaziz Bouteflika rà ©Ãƒ ©lu en avril 2004 avec le soutient de Jaques Chiracest considà ©rà ©, par une grande partie de la communautà © politique nationale etinternationale, davoir truquà © les à ©lections prà ©sidentielles. La dominancedune minorità © soutenue par la France est aussi considà ©rer comme à ªtre largementresponsable de la dà ©sastreuse à ©co nomie actuelle. Louis Agooun du Croquantdà ©crit a comme   laccaparement dun pays par une minorità ©parasite. Bibliographie Agooun, Louis, LeCroquant, n  44-45, dà ©cembre 2004   Algà ©rie, la colonisationrecommencà ©e   http://www.algerie-dz.com/article1480.html. (21 janvier2005) Algà ©rie   Rà ©publique algà ©rienne dà ©mocratique et populaire.http://www.tlfq.ulaval.ca/axl/afrique/algerie.htm (10 mars 2005) Bouche, Denise, Histoire de la Colonisation franaise Tome: Flux etreflux 1815-1962, Tome 2 (Paris: Fayard, 1991) Callaye, Fà ©licien, Le livre noir du colonialisme: Souvenirs sur lacolonisation (Paris: Nuits Rouges, 1998) Charles Andrà ©, Julien, Histoire contemporaine: La conquà ªte et lesdà ©buts de la colonisation 1827-1871, Tome 1 (Paris: P.U.F., 1964) Hardy, Georges, 1884- Histoire Sociale de la Colonisation Franaise(Paris: Larose, 1953) Histoire de LAlgà ©rie   Le site du continent africain.http://www.africa-onweb.com/pays/algerie/histoire.htm. (10 mars 2005) Hugo, Victor, Oeuvres Complà ¨tes, vol. Ocà ©an(Paris  : Robert Laffont, 1985) Liauzu, Claude, Liauzu, Josette, Quand on chantait les colonies:colonisation et culture populaire de 1830 a nos jours (Paris: Syllepse,2002) Manceron, Gilles, Marianne et les Colonies, une introduction aLHistorie coloniale de la France (Paris: Editions La Dà ©couverte, 2003) The Concise Oxford French Dictionary, ed.by Abel Chevally (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1934) Tolotti, Sandrine,   LAlgà ©rie malade de son passà ©? Entretien avecMohammed Harbi et Ahmed Dahmani   La Tribune, 17 mars 2004

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ken Kesey Research Paper

When writing a story, an author uses themes and elements which are related to his life. Many of Kenneth Elton Kesey’s novels including One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest sustain messages which can be interpreted by discovering his life events. Ken Elton Kesey was born 1935 in La Junta, Colorado and lived with his parents Frederick Kesey and Geneva Smith. Ken moved to Springfield, Oregon where he spent his early years hunting, fishing, and swimming. In his teenage years, Ken spent his time wrestling in both high school and college. In 1956, while attending college at the University of Oregon Kesey fell in love with his high-school sweetheart, Norma Faye Haxby, whom he had met in seventh grade. Ken and Norma then had three children: Jed, Zane, and Shannon. Later, Kesey had another child named Sunshine with a woman named Carolyn Adams. Kesey attended the University of Oregon's School of Journalism, where he received a degree in speech and communication in 1957. He was awarded a Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship in 1958 to enroll in the creative writing program at Stanford University, which he did the following year. While at Stanford, he studied under Wallace Stegner and begun his project which would later be known as One flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. In 1959, Kesey volunteered to take part in a CIA-financed study. The project studied the effects of psychoactive drugs such as LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, cocaine, AMT, and DMT, on people. This most likely influenced Kesey to write about a psychiatric environment in his story One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Also inspiring to Kesey’s works were his night shifts at the Menlo Park Veteran’s Hospital. There, Kesey often spent time talking to patients which were under the control of hallucinogenic drugs. Kesey believed that â€Å"the patients were not insane rather that society had pushed them out because they did not fit conventional ideas of how people were supposed to act and behave. † (Cliffsnotes Art. 2) Kesey proves how just because someone may seem different than the rest of the crowd, society dumps them into a ward. Furthermore, Kesey introduces a normal person (Mcmurphy) into the ward, so he can challenge the authority of the nurses and can inspire the patients to believe they are just like any other human beings and their abilities to live a normal life should not be restrained by a nurse. In 1963, when the novel was published, it became an immediate success. Kesey was not only an author, but a playwright director. Many of his ideas were Shakespearean as well as real life themes which were inputted into his novels. Some reoccurring themes in Kesey’s novels include the fight for sexual freedom, and rebellion through the introduction of a leader. â€Å"Harding shuts off the buffer, and leaves it in the hall and goes and pulls him a chair up alongside Mcmurphy and sits down and lights a cigarette too. ‘Mr. Harding! You return to your scheduled duties! ’ Then Cheswick goes and gets him a chair, and then Billy Bibbit goes, and then Scanlon and then Fredrickson and Sefelt, and then we all put down our mops and brooms and scouring tags and we all go and pull chairs up. You men-Stop this. Stop! ’† (Cuckoo’s Nest 144) One of the many examples of rebellion through a leader is seen through this passage. This is Kesey’s way of freeing the patients under the conformity of the hospital when Kesey took part in the financed study. Many of Kesey’s famous novels and playwrights include: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Sometimes a Great Notion, Demon Box, Caverns, The Further Inquiry, Sailor Song, Last Go Round, and Twister. Some of Kesey’s most popular genres also include mystery and realistic fiction. In 1965 Kesey was arrested for possession of marijuana. Interestingly, he moved to Mexico and faked a suicide. When he returned back to the states, he served a five-month sentence in the San Mateo County Jail. After he got out, he bought a farm house in Pleasant Hill, Oregon and settled down with his wife to raise his children. He was going through major complications later in his life at this time as he had surgery on his liver to remove a tumor. He never recovered from the operation and died of difficulties on November 10, 2001, aged 66.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hudson Bay Company

The Bay – You are the Buyer†¦ Assignment Erica Hobb Sarah Walkington As a Buyer for the Bay, I would ensure that these new brands that I was bringing in to my department would be productive by researching every brand and making sure there on the same trend line that we are trying to follow. Knowing your target market is also a key element when introducing new brands.The selection factors that I would look at when choosing what brands to bring into my store would be dependent on the season, fit, colour or pattern, durability of garment or product, price, versatility/multi-use, designer label/prestige factor and quality of construction. When deciding what brands to get rid of and which ones to keep, this would be solved by knowing which products are successful and which ones are not. Also which brands are going to match the new reconstruction of our company the Bay and which brands fits in with the new theme and which ones are outdated.In my opinion, the different factors o f the two retailers are: The Bay is very Canadian based, not just because it started in Canada but because even their window displays are reflective to a Canadian theme, where as Holt Renfrew is known for being a high end retailer selling brands and products that are available and sold in other retail stores. The Bay has added over 250 new brands and 90% of which are exclusive to the Bay in Canada. Another factor that is different between the two retailers is their pricing.Holt Renfrew is designed for people with lavish lifestyles and an eye for expensive designer clothing where as The Bay ranges from all price points. The Bay has style and affordable merchandise. Also the customer service you find at both retailers are very different. When going into Holt Renfrew, your getting the whole shopping experience. Employees almost tend to smother you making sure everything you need is at there service where the Bay is more low key.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Milestones by Sayyid Qutb

Milestones by Sayyid Qutb OutlineSayyid Qutb was born in 1906 in Egypt (1906-1966) was a Government Official, Writer, Literary Critic and finally an Islamic Political Leader. Above all he was a famous Islamic Scholar and he get popularity after the publication of his book "Milestones". When Sayyid Qutb opened his eyes Egypt was under the control of the British.AbstractSayyid Qutb belongs to a religious family background. Even though he was interest in Western literature and he studied Western literature extensively [p,12] and criticized it in his writings, poetry, short stories and articles. Qutb was in America for two years for which he criticized him personally. He got back to Egypt with a mind filled with hatred of the West and strong-minded fundamentalist.ReviewGetting back to homeland he joined Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, the first and largest Mass Islamist Group. When the Brotherhood came to end with the ruling Arab nationalists in Egypt and an endeavor was taken to kill the president Gamal Abdul Nasse r, the jihadi activist, Qutb was arrested for conspiring a plan against Nasser's independent Egypt and was sent behind the bars for 10 years (1950-1960), where he wrote the book.English: A green version of http://commons.wikimed...Just after the publication the "Milestones" in 1964 he was again captured and locked up and prosecuted1 for another plot against the Nasser regime, and he was hanged in October 1966. His death elevated his position to Shaheed or Martyr in the eyes of many Muslims and he became the Hero of the Muslim. Milestones turn out to be a best-selling brand and widely distributed across the Muslim world. To date, nearly 2000 editions of the book have been published.The Title Ma' alim fi al-Tariq (Sayyid Qutb Ma' alim fi al-Tariq, Arabic Egypt 1964) translated into English as "Milestones Along the Way" or Milestones Along the...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Bruce Dawe

Poetic techniques allow the experience to be represented in an intense and compressed way. Discuss how ‘The Raped Girl’s Father’ in light of this statement. Subject Matter The poem ‘the Raped Girls Father’ Bruce Dawe talks about the grief that the father of the victim of a vicious, unprompted rape goes through. The poem also describes the victim’s loneliness and vivid recollection of the rape as she is on her own as her mother tries to console her father. Purpose/Theme The theme is as much on the event of the rape but of the damage it causes to the victim and and the people around them. There can also be a gender reading to this play the fathers pride and maybe social standing has been challenged, this, I think the poet is trying to say, and be it very sarcastically, that the condolence should be shown to the father instead of the victim, the daughter. Emotion The extreme anger that the father shows is expressed when the poet says, The buzz-saw whine of righteous anger rose Murderously in his throat throughout the night, The metaphor used when he compares his anger to that of a ‘buzz-saw’ gives the poem another dimension when sound or the comparison to sound is introduced. The whine of a buzz-saw is intense, so much so that anyone around it would want to put ear muffs on in fear of becoming deaf. The comparison to this piece of machinery and the fathers rage creates a powerful image of the fathers intense anger. The loneliness of the victim and her need to be comforted is shown when Bruce Dawe writes, long after she had watched her mother close the door to, and the honeyed wedge of light was eaten by the dark, his voice whirred on, and in that darker dark in which she lay she felt rasp on the naked bone the personification used when Bruce Dawe writes ‘and the honeyed wedge of light/was eaten by the dark and his voice whirred on’ is starts to put an emphasis on the girls loneliness and t... Free Essays on Bruce Dawe Free Essays on Bruce Dawe Poetic techniques allow the experience to be represented in an intense and compressed way. Discuss how ‘The Raped Girl’s Father’ in light of this statement. Subject Matter The poem ‘the Raped Girls Father’ Bruce Dawe talks about the grief that the father of the victim of a vicious, unprompted rape goes through. The poem also describes the victim’s loneliness and vivid recollection of the rape as she is on her own as her mother tries to console her father. Purpose/Theme The theme is as much on the event of the rape but of the damage it causes to the victim and and the people around them. There can also be a gender reading to this play the fathers pride and maybe social standing has been challenged, this, I think the poet is trying to say, and be it very sarcastically, that the condolence should be shown to the father instead of the victim, the daughter. Emotion The extreme anger that the father shows is expressed when the poet says, The buzz-saw whine of righteous anger rose Murderously in his throat throughout the night, The metaphor used when he compares his anger to that of a ‘buzz-saw’ gives the poem another dimension when sound or the comparison to sound is introduced. The whine of a buzz-saw is intense, so much so that anyone around it would want to put ear muffs on in fear of becoming deaf. The comparison to this piece of machinery and the fathers rage creates a powerful image of the fathers intense anger. The loneliness of the victim and her need to be comforted is shown when Bruce Dawe writes, long after she had watched her mother close the door to, and the honeyed wedge of light was eaten by the dark, his voice whirred on, and in that darker dark in which she lay she felt rasp on the naked bone the personification used when Bruce Dawe writes ‘and the honeyed wedge of light/was eaten by the dark and his voice whirred on’ is starts to put an emphasis on the girls loneliness and t...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

PLO and Hamas achieved the Palestinian national aspiration Research Paper

PLO and Hamas achieved the Palestinian national aspiration - Research Paper Example Hamas challenged PLO’s political agenda for Palestinian national territory and secular nationalism, in effect taking over the original Palestinian national aspiration, traditionally associated with the PLO, and situating them in an Islamic perspective. By appealing to an Islamic national aspiration, Hamas successfully merged everyday issues and religious dogma.     A conflict, growing over time, between Hamas, the PLO, and particularly Fatah, has continuously disrupted the realization of the Palestinian national goals of these organizations. Hamas firmly declined the proposals of Fatah and the PLO, wanting instead to build and legitimize itself as a political substitute. The conflict between the PLO and Hamas reached its climax during the alleged Madrid process—a chain of bilateral compromises between those with territorial demands and Israel.   Hamas’s doctrine recognizes the PLO as an â€Å"ally, father, brother, relative, friend† and Hamas prevent ed a military conflict with Fatah in the past. Hamas, under the headship of Sheikh Yasin, firmly condemned internal strife between Palestinian political groups for this would merely strengthen the position of Israel and undermine the Palestinian national aspiration.  Ã‚   From the very beginning, Hamas was unsure about the PLO, expressing, on the one hand, allegiance to its political autonomy and ideological identity and, on the other, a concern for coexistence.   The effort of Hamas to sustain a harmonious relationship with the PLO.... The conflict between the PLO and Hamas reached its climax during the alleged Madrid process—a chain of bilateral compromises between those with territorial demands and Israel.3 However, Hamas’s doctrine recognizes the PLO as an â€Å"ally, father, brother, relative, friend†4 and Hamas prevented a military conflict with Fatah in the past. Hamas, under the headship of Sheikh Yasin, firmly condemned internal strife between Palestinian political groups for this would merely strengthen the position of Israel and undermine the Palestinian national aspiration.5 From the very beginning, Hamas was unsure about the PLO, expressing, on the one hand, allegiance to its political autonomy and ideological identity and, on the other, a concern for coexistence.6 The effort of Hamas to sustain a harmonious relationship with the PLO, and eventually with the PA, revealed its political flaw with regards to the rising local, regional, and global support for the peace process between t he PLO and Israel.7 It was this idea of the weakness of its status that pushed Hamas to attempt to build an agreement with the PLO that would provide it with the opportunity to strengthen its capability and influence and boost its ranks. Moreover, its pursuit of organizational autonomy and identity encouraged Hamas to look for ways to frustrate the move of PLO toward suppression and hegemony. Literature Review The references used in this paper are both primary and secondary. The author used textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, newspapers, and magazines. The best primary references that are used in this paper are Mkhaimar Abusada’s Palestinian Party Affiliation and Political Attitudes toward the Peace Process, Omri Arens’s and Edward

Friday, November 1, 2019

Bluetooth technology Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bluetooth technology - Term Paper Example Bluetooth is another way of transmitting signals from a device to another without the use of wires. Hence, Bluetooth is used as an open wireless protocol in the exchange of data over small distances, from fixed and mobile resources and creating personal area network. Bluetooth can link numerous devices as it can overcome difficulties associated with synchronization. Bluetooth technology signals pass through walls, doors, windows and it can reach many wireless devices connected to it provided they are on its way of travel. It is also used in internet sharing in a case where both devices are Bluetooth installed. In order to make use of Bluetooth technology one has to ensure that Bluetooth is running and this is indicated by an icon that appears on the system tray. In most Windows operators, it is found in the control panel. There are various ways in which electronic devices with Bluetooth technology can be linked to one another. This can occur with component cables, Ethernet cables, infrared signals, Wi-Fi and electrical cables. Bluetooth networking technology transfers data using low power radio waves. It usually communicates on a frequency, which is approximately 2.45 gigahertz according to Palanivelu/nakkeeran (78). This frequency has been agreed on internationally for the purpose of industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) devices use. Various devices have been able to make use of this radio frequency band. Bluetooth is able to support data speeds of approximately 721 Kbps and three voice channels at the same time. The modules of Bluetooth can be built into the electronic devices or it can be used as an adaptor. For instance in the case of a personal computer they can be inbuilt as a PC card or attached externally through the USB port. Each device has possessed a unique 48-bit address, which is given by the IEEE 802 standard whereby the connection